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'Faith in God


a better future'

Association 'Faith & Future' is a non-profit NGO, 

dedicated to faith and freedom,

devoted to human rights and dignity, and

driven to create a better future towards peace.



Research projects on various topics and relevant issues.


Platform for Questions & Answers


Articles with encouraging content,

biblical truth and practical wisdom.


Publications on relevant issues

'I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.'

C.S. Lewis

We seek to spread light
in the darkness,

share love in the sufferings of life
and make sense of the world we live in.

We promote peace.

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Spreading light in the darkness


Sharing love in the sufferings of life


Making sense of the world we live in

Social Justice

Advocating for freedom, equality and justice

Practical Aid

Easing the suffering of the poor

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